U.S.S. Allen M. Sumner DD-692
Did you know?

Little known facts that made service aboard the Allen M. Sumner truly unique.  If you know of additional items that should be added to this page, please let us know.

1.  Ever wonder how many tons of ordnance Sumner fired in anger during her life?  Well, Ron Babuka reviewed the Ship's Logs and has the answer - 310 tons! 

  Rounds Fired  

World War II
















The table displays the data as accurately as the Ship's Logs allow.

2. Another function of a destroyer is the rescue of persons in harm's way.  Sumner has the distinction of rescuing  downed pilots in all three wars in which she was engaged.  In World War II, while under air attack,  Sumner rescued LTJG Colombus L. Newburn, an F4F pilot from the USS Hoggatt Bay (CVE-75) that had been shot down by friendly fire. Also in World War II, Ensign W. D. Palmer was rescued during a training flight from the USS Takanis Bay (CVE-89) when his plane crashed into the sea. In Korea, she rescued LT Clarence R. Johnson and crewman AN D. G. Kennedy from the USS Boxer (CVA-21) after they crashed because of engine failure on takeoff at night in 40 degree seas. In Vietnam, Sumner once again rescued a pilot who had been shot down by enemy fire, this time 1stLT Ronnie E. Randolph, 557th Tactical Fighter Squadron, USAF after his F4 Phantom Jet had been severely damaged by enemy anti-aircraft fire and he had parachuted into the sea.

3. Don Marion relates a unique occurrence - On November 26, 1950 as Sumner was crossing the Atlantic for a Mediterranean deployment our shipmate DC2 Norman Brissette was lost overboard.  At the time his wife was expecting a child and the crew raised money to help her out.  In response, she wrote back that she was very thankful for the generosity of Norman's shipmates and that the child would be named Allen M. Sumner Brissette!

4. The number of turns of the propellors dictated the Sumner's speed through the water. Mister Sumner, otherwise known as Bobby Moore, gives the relationship between the Engine Telegraph, the number of turns and the resulting speed in knots made.

Engine Telegraph RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) Knots
1/3 49 5
2/3 110 10
Standard 170 15
Full 210 20 (on 2 boilers)
Flank 230+ 25 to 34.5 (required 4 boilers)
The highest speed attained during Bobby's time aboard (1961-1969) the Sumner was 34.9 knots in 1965 while in transit from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Santo Domingo.

5. Destroyers are usually assigned to groups for combat and administrative functions. The Sumner was part of a Division which usually consisted of four destroyers, a Squadron which contained two Divisions, a Flotilla which was made up of groups of Divisions and finally she was assigned to a Fleet. During her life Sumner was part of the following Squadrons.

Squadron Squadron Patch Period Assigned To
60  None Known Jan 1944 to Dec 1945
7 Dec 1945 to Apr 1949
20 Apr 1949 to Jan 1951
2 Jan 1951 to Jul 1951
16   Jul 1951 to Aug 1969
14 Aug 1969 to Jul 1971
34 Jul 1971 to Dec 1971
30 Dec 1971 to Aug 1973

6. The Allen M. Sumner was a member of what was called the 2200 ton class of destroyers.  The 2200 tons referred to the weight of the water displaced when she was floating free. However, this weight figure is for an empty ship. Her weight changed many times over her career as the configuration was modified. As an example in 1968 her "light weight" which included 19.8 tons of pig iron as ballast was 2341 tons. To this figure must be added the crew and their personal gear - 33.9 tons, ammunition - 110.9 tons, food and ship's store supplies - 49.6 tons, general and medical stores - 25.1 tons, water (potable and reserve feed) - 135.8 tons, DASH system - 1.8 tons, fuel oil - 494.6 tons and JP-5 & lube oil another 32.3 tons.  All this amounts to an approximate "fully loaded" weight of 3325 tons. The "fully loaded" weight as she was originally built in 1943-44 was 3315 tons. In order to determine the actual weight of the ship at any time, a reading of the Forward and Aft drafts were taken. Draft being how far it is from the waterline to the bottom of the keel. The following table gives a brief idea of how many tons of water the Sumner actually displaced based on the Mean of the Forward and Aft draft readings:

Mean Draft
in Feet and Inches
Tons Displaced
14' 4" 3277
14' 3" 3250
14' 2" 3230
14' 0" 3190
13' 11" 3160
13' 6" 3030
13' 5" 2997

7. During the Vietnam War deployment in 1967, Sumner spent many a day in company with the HMAS Hobart (D-39) which at the time was commanded by CAPT Guy Richmond Griffiths who later became a Rear Admiral. As a young SubLT he served aboard the HMAS Shropshire as did the Sumner during Operation Mike One, the bombardment and clearing operation, in preparation for landings, in Lingayen Gulf area, Luzon, P.I. in January 1945. Thanks to Colin Benporath, our 1967 Aussie, for relating this small world connection.