U.S.S. Allen M. Sumner DD-692
1945 - 1946

CO: CDR Norman John Sampson
CDR John William Howard
LCDR Edward Corbett Hines, Jr.
LT Joseph Brennan Drachnik


LTJG Philip G. Arneson (SC)
ENS William Judson Beardsley
LTJG John Keith Boles
ENS Richard Manley Burnside
LTJG Robert D. Caldwell, Jr.
ENS Forrest Cooper, Jr.
ENS Hugh O. DeFries
LTJG William R. Dewey, III
ENS Jack Rodney Dewitt, Jr.
ENS John Stockton Edwards
ENS Ralph Edward Ellenbrand
ENS Eugene G. Fleeger
LT Eugene Martin Frame (MC)
ENS Edward Emil Garbe
LTJG Robert Lowry George
ENS Cecil Hicks, Jr.
ENS John Hnatek, Jr.
ENS Frank L. Holecek
ENS Johnston Earl Holzman
ENS Walter James Krstich
ENS Charles A. LaCentra
LT John Demerath Leichty
ENS Bert Herrold Lincoln
LTJG Raphael Edwin Luther
ENS John Francis Mackey (SC)
ENS Robert L. Mannheimer
LT William J. McAsey
ENS John R. McIntosh
ENS Edward Neal McKeen (SC)
ENS John Jay Mueller
ENS Lewis Neilson
LTJG Donald B O'Bryan
ENS Edward Joseph O'Rourke
ENS Samuel W. Reingvartz
LT Kenneth Guysteau Ross (MC)
LTJG Clifford Douglas Smith, Jr.
ENS Andrew N. Sparks
LT Dan James Sullivan, Jr.
LTJG Jack Edward Taylor
LT Edmund Henry Towle
LTJG Byron H. Van Metre
ENS James L. Walsh
ENS Eugene Victor Walter
LT Arthur Phillip Wandtke, Jr.
ENS Kent Jules Weber
LTJG Daniel Henry Wilson


SoM2c Calvin Lamar Aiken S2c Ralph Harrison Hayes S1c Joseph Polcare
MM3c Charles G. Albin S1c Harry D. Heaton RT3c(T) Robert Donald Polstein
QM2c Charles Edwin Alderson S1c Howard Wilson Heckler F1c Joseph John Popson
SK2c Joseph R. Alexander S2c Charles Levine Henderson SKD1c William Robert Porter
StM2c Marion Alexander COX Elam Brown Hendricks S1c Philip Francis Pospisil
SC1c Antonio Alfano S2c Willard Cleston Hendrix FC2c Elbert David Potts
S2c(TM) Charles William Allen S2c Eldon F. Hentges SM1c Daryl Eugene Pounds
StM2c Hobert Allen, Jr F1c Lloyd Collins Hewett WT3c Raymond Charles Powell
F1c James Lawrence Allen CMM(T) James R. Hight F1c Roy James Powell
S2c Vernon Lee Allen S2c Robert E. Hightower S1c Alfred Anthony Powers
F2c John Daniel Allison QM1c Ray Kelly Hildebrand SF3c John David Powers
S2c Robert Joseph Alvares GM3c Roger M. Hildebrand S2c Michael James Powers
S1c(TM) Raymond Amadril TM2c Edward John Hill QM3c Ralph Donald Prigge
SF3c Eugene George Anderson RM1c Jesse Lee Hill SF1c Alvin Earl Prouty
SF3c Walter Stephen Applebee Em2c(T) Virgil Gale Hill F1c Clyde Glenward Pyle
EM3c(T) Jerome J. Arendt RM3c Robert E Hines Y3c William Patrick Quealy
F1c Glenn Leigh Armstrong F1c Sardis Ray Hinson RM1c Warren Joseph Rabourn
S2c Paul William Armstrong, Jr S2c(GM) Ernest David Hobbs S2c Billy Chois Rader
SoM3c Harold Delbert Ash Bkr3c John David Hoke GM3c Charles Fulmore Ralston
S2c John Harris Atchley SM2c Vinson Grant Holbrook S2c Henry Edwin Rasmussen
FC2c Nathan Beatty Atherton StM1c Howard Holman TM3c Donald O. Raush
S2c Harold Loyd Atkinson TM1c Elmer Blanchard Holt S1c Robert Maxwell Ray
SoM3c Walter James Austin TM2c Michael Homick S1c(Bkr) John William Redenbaugh
MM2c Richard Elmo Babbitt F1c Thomas R. Hoover F1c Jack Reeson
S1c William Babuka S1c(SM) John Arthur Hopkins GM1c Larry Gray Reges
SoM3c Paul Monroe Bain, Jr CY(T) Raymond T. Horstmeyer S2c Walter George Reiche
S2c Gene Lindbirg Baker GM3c Rondell J. Houchens BM2c(T) Stanley J. Repecki
S2c Edward John Baldyga CTM A. W. Houser F1c Herbert Glenn Rhoades
S2c(Rdm) Wilmer H. Ballenger SF1c Lewis Oliver Howard SKD2c Norman Richards
F2c Royce Gene Bankhead TM3c Andrew Hoys S2c Leon Wayne Richey
S2c Rex Cogdell Barker F1c Joseph Steve Hren S2c Biagio Ricupero
S2c Aldrich Barnes, Jr SSMB3c Joseph William Huard S1c Robert Eugene Riddell
TM2c Glenn Richard Barnes SoM2c John Reynal Hudson S2c William Russell Riddell
S2c John Thomas Barrineau S2c David H. Huffman CFC Fay E. Riddle
RM1c Harold William Bartholomew S2c Doyle L. Hughes RM2c Frank Guy Riddle
CPhM John J. Barton F1c Patrick Paul Iafigliola S2c Jammie Eugene Riecke
StM2c Richard Baskerville CM3c Joseph Osborne Richardson S2c Ignacio Rincon
BM1c Edward Bassingthwaite S2c Leo Louis Ingenice EM3c Reginald Victor Rippetoe
S2c Raymond Ambrose Battenfield F1c(MM) Lester Lee Ingram GM3c Gilbert Roberts
TM2c Robert William Bauer S2c David Harras Jackson, Jr S2c Claude Eugene Robertson
S1c(FC) Francis Eugene Beaman S2c Ellis Herman Jackson S2c Frank Bunk Robinette
RM2c(T) Frank L. Bearese MM3c William Russell James RdM3c Arthur Gale Robinson
S2c John David Bearup F1c Francis John Janer S2c George Reynolds Robinson
S1c Roy Henry Beasley F1c Leonard Janiczek S1c Bennie Frank Rodgers
S1c(TM) L C Beaver S2c Fred Paul Jarrett F1c Thomas Vasques Rodriguez
SK3 Ralph William Behling PhM1c Lee R. Jensen F1c Ernest Warren Rollins
F1c Charles Edward Bell F2c Alan Douglas Johnson S2c Robert Wayne Rook
CWT(AA) Ralph M. Bennet RdM3c Archie Leonard Johnson S2c Vernon Edward Ropka
MM3c William Alfred bennett S2c Bristol Reece Johnson F1c(MM) Gerald Kirch Ross
RM1c William Dempsey Bennett TM2c Curtis W. Johnson GM2c(HD) Kenneth W. Roth
COX Paul J. Bennington RM3c Delbert Lloyd Johnson F2c Robert Stanley Kenneth Rowland
F1c(MoMM) Charles H. Bentley F2c Harry Adelbert Johnson S2c Jake Leroy Rufli
S1c Clarence Gale Benware S2c Harland Kingsley Johnson MM2c Ralph Rupracht
RT2c Sterling K. Berberian S2c Richard Johnson S1c Ellsworth Clarrington Russell
PhM3c Harold Morton Berg MoMM2c Roy E. Johnson S2c James Floyd Russell
TM3c Richard Beris F2c Raymond Kenneth Johnson S1c Robert Edward Russell
S1c Harry Max Berner S2c Roy Martin Johnson, Jr TM3c Euel Ryan
PhM3c John Edward Berney StM2c Ulysses Johnson EM3c Milton Earl Saathoff
WT3c Robert Berning F1c William F. Johnson S1c Ramon Saenz Salcido
COX Elmer R. Berry MM3c Ashby Glenn Jones GM3c Homer T Salyer, Jr
SoM3c Glen Thomas Bertrand S2c Winford Brice Jones CWT Alfred William Sanborn
S2c Alvin Eaton Betzel S2c Walter Edward Jones EM1c Roy Charles Sanders
S1c Manuel Joseph Billips S2c William Lawrence Jones F2c Fermin Sandoval
MM3c James Forshay Bird StM2c William Lee Jones FCO3c John Matthew Sanford
CSK(AA) Edward J. Birmingham S2c(RM) Allen Jordan PhM2c Bernard W. Savor
F2c William Edgar Bittinger MM1c Clark Clyde Jordan FC1c Elden Raymond Sawhill
S2c Doyle Martin Bivens S2c Raymond Edward Jordan S1c(FC) Wesley Edward Sawyer
SM2c Charles V. Blackburn   TM3c Donald Leroy Joseph S2c Cecil Junior Schimmel
TM3c John Walton Bland S2c Donald Wayne Joyce FCO2c Walter H. Schlueter, Jr
S2c Page Gilbert Blevins S2c Paul Wilke Jurney CFC(AA) Wilbert C. Schmelling
EM2c Richard Russell Blunt F1c R. P. Kaczmarek F1c Vernon Edward Schmidt
CEM(T) George Raymond Bock EM2c Dale Arthur Kahlstorf F1c Harold William Schneider
S1c William David Bodnar F2c John Raymond Kaiser S1c Robert John Schofield
RT3c Arno W. Boesker S2c William Paul Kakley S1c Ernest Arthur Schramm
S2c(RM) Howard William Borneman F2c Charles Karambelas S1c Alvin B. Schroeder, Jr
MoMM2c Glenn Alfred Bowden S1c John Patrick Kavanaugh F1c Clarence Henry Schroht
WT3c Fred Murton Boyles S2c James William Kay S2c(Rdm) Arnold N. Schumacher  
S2c Ernest Lee Brannon MM3c Eugene Bernard Kehn WT1c Chester Lee Schuyler
CWT Robert E. Briggs, Jr Y3c John Owen Keller QM2c Joseph Scola
S2c James Marson Broadway S1c Lawrence E. Kelley S2c George Gordon Scouten
S1c David Brodsky S2c Robert James Kelly StM1c Willie Scroggins
CGM Carleton F. Brown WT2c William Joseph Kelly S2c Boyd Clark Searle
S1c(FCO) Edward Alfred Brown S2c John Francis Kennelly GM2c Lewis Harrison Seay
S2c Euel Hayes Brown S2c Richard Durham Kesler F2c Albert Collins Seiber
S1c Eugene L. Brown S1c John Keves, Jr S1c Richard Ricardo Sementelli
CBM(PA) Wendell Conley Brown F1c Floyd Ralph Kiekenapp FCO1c Raymond E. Semler
Y1c(T) David Patrick Browne S1c Merle Lawrence Kimball S2c Michael Sereno
S2c Ray Kenneth Bryant F1c Sanford Bernet King F1c Henry Serre, Jr
CSF Robert P. Buck MM1c Paul Thompson Kington MM1c William O. Sessions
S1c(SoM) James Buclary TM3c Harold Eugene Kirk F1c Robert Alphonse Sewell
PhM3c Carleton Richard Buerger S2c Thomas Raymond Kitts S1c Chester Sezpietowski, Jr
RM2c John William Bunch WT1 George Klarman S1c Arthur Chester Shanley
S2c Glenn Burdett S1c Darrell Kling S1c(TM) Theron R. Sharpe
S2c B J Burkett F2c Charles Otis Koeppen B3c(T) Clifford Jesse Sharritt
S2c Roy Phoelix Burnam, Jr MM2c Edward William Kolls Brk1c Robert LaRue Shelby
FC3c Edwin William Burnett MM2c(T) Steve Kondas S2c James Lee Shelton
SM2c James Thomas Burns, Jr S1c Andrew Thomas Koval S1c Warren Lamont Shepherd
F1c Farron E. Burtenshaw S2c Edwin Robert Kovar S2c Owen Adlbert Sherman
GM3c James E. Burton S2c Stephen Richard Kozak WT3c Frank Harold Shettle
FCO3c(T) Raymond A. Buttram TM3c Stephen George Krajcik S2c John Edward Shopf
SC3c Robert Peyton Bynon MM2c Duane Fred Krull S2c Billy Bob Simmons
PhM3c C Herbert Byrd S2c Robert Joseph Krzyzanowski CCS(PA) William Comstock Simpson
S2c Freddie Brooks Cain GM2c Joseph Armin Kuechler F1c Theodore Albert Skingel
CRM George Cambetes S2c Frank Tony Kur S2c Frument Alexander Skiotis
GM3c Frank Adam Cambre S2c Joe Arthur Kuykendall F1c Leonard Francis Skowron
S2c Laurns Osborne Campbell S1c Winston R. Lackey MoMM1c Ernest R. Smalley
S1c Pinkie L. Carlisle, Jr RM3c Alfred Otto Ladwig FC3c Robert Peter Smellie
QM1c Benjamin Gordon Carroll F1c James Lee Lambert S1c Alpha Lendell Smith
S1c William H. Carroll, Jr BM2c John Lamos F1c Audry Wilbert Smith
RM3c George Irwin Carter, Jr RdM3c Norman W. Lampert B3c Clifford Percy Smith
GM3c William C. Carter, Jr S1c(SM) William N. Lanxton S2s Edward Joseph Smith
S1c Edward Frank Case MM3c(T) Ralph Stuart Laribee S2c Hubert Ray Smith
GM3c Hubert Albert Cash F1c Clarence Russell Lash SoM1c Jarman Cuthbert Smith
S1c Frank Anthony Castaldi S2c Donald Laufer S1c Joseph Phillip Smith
F1c Thomas Gale Catron S2c(RdM) Henry H. Lavalley SoM3c Lael Melvin Smith
WT2c Francis James Chandnoit S2c Jacob Joseph Laverdure S1c Roy Cecil Smith
GM3c John Mitchell Chapman RM3c Joseph Donald Leblanc S2c Thomas Christopher Smith
GM1c Garland Edwin Childress RT3c Harlan Jerome Lee S1c Wilmoth Smith
S2c Gennaro Vincent Ciambrello S1c Howard Gibson Legrand S2c Wesley Clifford Smith, Jr
S1c Woodrow Wilson Clardy MAM3 M. J. LeMaitre F1c John D Smitherman
EM2c(T) Franklin Joe Clark RT1c Thomas E. Lenehan, Jr RdM3c(T) Richard M. Smoot
S1c Walter A Clark CBM Edward Carl Leswing WT2c Vincent George Sodano
S2c Harold Clay S2c George E. Lindemann S2c Ralph Aubrey Soley
CPhM Virgil Ray Clayton EM1c Daniel Walter Litz F2c Calvin Coolidge Soper
COX Clarence M. Clements S2c Billy Lyle Lochala S2c Donald Edward Spangler
S2c Albert Vincent Clemons F2c Floyd Marion Logan F1c Irvin Anthony Spangler
FC2c Ernest Ronald Cleveland MM2c Harry Lovic Long COX Vearl Richard Spray
TM3c Ernest Ralph Cline TM2c James V. Long, Jr WT2c Charles Warren Stauber
FC3c Willis Conn Cline FC2c Lawrence J. Lotz S2c William Eugene Steinhoff
GM2c Levi C. Clokey S1c Lowell Edward Love   S2c William James Steinman
SoM3c William Bedford Coates S2c Glenn Thomas Lowrance F2c James Joseph Stenson, Jr
M2c(T) John Joseph Coe CBM Arthur Leon Lowther S1c John Nason Stokes
GM2c Alvin A. Colbert S2c Stanley Lucas Bkr2c Robert William Stone
QM1c Lonnie Max Cole WT1c Roland A. Lucker S2c Thomas Joseph Storrs  
F2c Pershing Woodrow Coleman S1c Donald Lutes, Jr S2c Lee Edward Stout
S1c(QM) Charles Warren Collins S1c Martin Robert Lyons S2c Eugene Francis Sullivan
F2c Jade Joseph Constant MM1c Charles F. Mabee S2c James Mason Sullivan
StM2c William Joseph Cook SM3c Floyd Mabry WT2c James Sutherland
GM3c Joe Stanley Coop F1c Russell Anthony Maciel F1c Walter James Suthers
RM3c Howard Laraway Cooper, Jr S2c Robert Eugene Mackey S1c Luke Michael Sweeney
S1c Thomas Copolone F1c Allan Rideout MacLeod MM2c(T) Lloyd M. Swords
SoM2c Allen Spencer Cornwall TM2c(T) Troy James Madison SC3c Samuel Lloyd Taft
S1c William Paul Corring S1c Frank Stanley Magda S1c Michael Talarico
S2c Edward James Costine S2c Herman James Majerowicz WT2c Stanley Albert Tawrel
S2c Leroy G. Cougle F1c Edward Vincent Malinowski WT3c Albert Julius Taylor
S2c Luther O. Cowden S2c Joseph Aloysius Maloney GM3c Glenn Weldon Taylor
S1c Bobbie Sherman Cox TM2 Kenneth W. Mangloss RdM2c Jessie Merton Taylor, Jr
MoMM3c Daley J. Cox ETM2c Theodore Junior Manning MM3c Norman Lewis Taylor
GM3c(T) Jefferson Davis Cox SM3c Herbert Clair March S2c Cecil Albert Teague
F1c Lewis Patrick Cox, Jr WT2c Simon Marcianik S2c Paul Richard Teifel
RdM2c Lloyd Wilson Crabb QM3c Irving Markowitz S2c Alvin D. Thierolf
S2c James Eiland Cranmore CMM Steve Elmer Markus F1c Robert Frederick Thomas
MM3c(T) George Henry Crawford Y3c Carroll Rainford Marlow RdM2c(T) William F. Thomas
F1c Doyle Leon Crawley MM1c Jessie E. Marney MM1c Clyde T. Thompson
S2c Jack Junior Crocker S1c James Robert Marr S1c(TM) Lawrence Edward Thompson
CBM Edward L. Cross GM3c Edgar Elic Marrs S2c William Almond Thompson
CRT(AA) Leo Paul Crowley SM3c Herbert C. Marsh WT3c Arthur Frank Tifft
S1c Charles Eugene Crownover S1c Freddie Martin, Jr MM2c(T) William Munden Toal
F1c Andrew Ralph Cummings S1c Richard Francis Martin S2c Clark Lanier Tomlin
MM3c Bonnie Junior Curry S2c Thomas Earl Martin, Jr F2c James Oliver Tomlinson
SC3c Willis A. Curtis S1c Manuel N. Martinez, Jr S2c Charles Adolf Torris
S1c Walter Leo Czernicki F2c Earle Eugene Marvel S2c Russell David Trago
S1c Ralph Daffron F1c John Henry Mason S2c Adam John Traini
GM1c William E. Dalton EM3c Calvin James Massey StM2c Willie Fred Trammel
S2c Dan Leech Daniel SC2c Samuel David Massey S2c Charles Henry Travis
S2c Garland Chester Daniell COX Roy Ernest Masters GM1c John Roland Travis
S1c Joseph James Darabant S2c Truman Ress Mattingly Ck2c James Walter Traynham, Jr
MM2c Frederick C. H. Darling S2c Asa Frederick Mayfield S1c Anthony J. Trinchini
CQM(AA)(T) Brooks D. Davis S2c Woodrow Wilson Maynard GM2c Bruno Tubertini, Jr
SC3c John Henry Davis F1c Francis S. Mayorowski CQM John Turner
S2c Raymond Emerson Davis SM1c Duilio Mazzella CMM Anthony Tutino
F2c Max L. Dawson S1c Glenn Evan McAdoo S2c Paul Herbert Valley
CTM Ralph Leroy Decker S1c(SM) Francis John McAleer F1c Walter Henry Van Gorp
MM2c Pasquale DeLillo S2c William Herbert McAlister F2c Roy Van Husen
MM3c Floyd Evert Denham S2c Robert Meredith McBrien RM1c Theodore LaVerne Van Pelt
TM1c(T) Willis B. Denlinger S1c Hershel W. McClanahan F2c John Henry Vansant
S1c Thomas Edward Derifield M3c Phillip George McClellan F1c Douglas Karl Vaughan
MoMM2c Henry De Zeeuw S1c Joseph M. McConomy MoMM3c Herbert Eugene Vaughn
S2c(Rdm) Jesse Franklin Dial, Jr GM3c Eugene C. McCormick F1c Donald Francis Veradt
S2c John Gerald Dietz S2c Gene Leroy McCornack F1c Frank John Verb
S1c Angelo Peter DiLallo S2c Forest Edwin McCullough, Jr F1c Athony John Vicario
RdM3c Michael C. DiPuppo BM1c Clyde William McCurdy S2c Hoy G. Vickers
S2c Bennie Lee Dlouhy S1c(RM) Edward T. McDermott PhM3c John Barry Vigle, Jr
QM3c James Vernon Dodd GM3c Howard Joseph McDonald S1c Anthony Vigliarolo
S2c Erwin Edward Dodge COX Wesley C. McDonald F1c Carl Eric Vikstrom
FC3c Everil H Dodson, Jr F1c Francis J. McDougall S2c(RdM) Frank A. Vitarella
StM1c Hilario Doropan CRM(AA) Theodore McDuffie S2c Raymond Voges
SoM2c Robert Doty S2c Richard T. McElhannon WT3c Lewis Charles Volk
TM1c Claire Burdette Douthett S2c James Joseph McEvoy CGM Leslie Hamilton Vories
S1c Walter Vincent Downey S2c Eugene McGinnis S2c Gustaf Frederick Wachter
CM2c William Myrtice Driskell S2c Douglas Newell McLain S2c James D. Walden
MoMM1c Joseph Burrows Dubay S2c Irving Clayton McMahon StM1c Crawford Waldrup
Y1c Earl Mead Duckworth Y2c Charles Joe McManus F1c William Frederick Walker
S1c Willard Paul Dunfee S2c Edwin G. McManus S2c Ernest Fred Waller
S1c Albert John Dunn EM3c Olen Naven McManus F1c John Lannert Wallis
S2c Horace Claude Dunnavant S1c Vaughan E. McNaughton EM2c Bernard Joseph Walsh
F2c Walter Hunter Durand GM3c William McNinch S2c Lawrence Edwin Walters
GM3c(T) Arthur R. Duvall F2c Wayne Hodge McRaney Y2c James Elvin Walthall
S1c Stephen Dzuranin
S2c Gilbert N. Medina S2c Ralph Edward Ward
S2c Harry Groves Ellington S1c Lowell Wayne Mercer S2c William W. Waren
S2c Walter Franklin Ellington S1c(GM) Frank Joseph Metzger BM2c Harold T. Warp
S2c Robert Lee Ellison MM2c(T) Henry George Meyer S2c Charles Woodbury Warren
CM2c(T) Ervin Farmer Emerson RdM3c Henry Thomas Meyer S2c Donald Bruce Warstler
St2c Earl Mack English S2c Edward Walter Mieczkowski WT2c Raymond Lea Watson
WT1c Dominic V. J. Errigo S2c Bernard Milas TM2c W. G. Wayburn
CWT Anderson Etters S2c Harold N. Milburn SoM1c George A. Weakland
EM3c Francis Aaron Evans S2c George Grant Miller S2c David Curry Weatherby
FCO3c Henry Newlin Evans TM1c Kenneth Lloyd Miller S2c James Edward Weaver
GM3 D. E. Eyster MM2c Milford Lever Miller S1c John Henry Weaver
MM3c(T) Paul B. Fahrney CCS(AA) Frederick K. Minor St1c(T) Harvey Webb
M1c(T) Walter Rose Faircloth S1c Mervine Joseph Mire FC3c Roy Webb
S1c Andrew Cameron Fawver StM1c Irwin Mischer BM1c(T) James H. Weeks
SM3c Merlin William Fenelon SC1c James Edward Mitchell S1c Marco Weese
MM1c Paul Eugene Fenske CEM(T) Lawrence C. Mitchell SF2c Sylvester Weichenmaier
CMM Roy W. Ferguson S1c(RdM) Sidney Mitnitsky MM2c Coy Freeman Wells
S1c Charles John Ferruggia S2c Donald E. Mittendorf CWT Jesse C. Wells, Jr
CGM(AA) Clifford H. Fiedler CTM(T) Carl Otto Moitzfield S2c Wayne Howard Wenner
WT1c Edward Cleo Fields S1c Vito John Molis TM3c William John Werner
RM3c James T. Finley S2c Henry John Molt, Jr S2c David Kirk Wertz
MM3c Calvin Coolidge Fisher S1c Alfred Clayton Monahan S2c Ronald George Wesenberg
S1c(RdM) Charles Murray Fite, Jr S2c Leslie Lafayette Moody, Jr S2c James Francis Weser
MM3c(T) James G. Flynn S1c Burgess Craige Moore F1c Robert Morgan Westcott
CFC(AA) Walter P. Foust, Jr SoM3c John Bates Moore F1c James Edward Wetterling
Bkr2c Leon Woren Franklin S2c Amando Moraes F1c Sidney Ray Wheeler
S2c Joseph Franks S1c(RM) Earl Joseph Moran S1c(SM) Arthur Rolland White
F2c William Buford Frederick S2c James R. Morgan
WT1c John Francis White
S1c Charles J Frink S1c(RM) Lester Ray Morley StM2c Paul Coffer White
S1c Jack W. Fulbright S2c(RdM) Ray D. Morris S1c George Brittian Whitt
RM3c Robert Dale Fulton GM3c Stanton Eugene Morrison F2c Robert Bruce Wickham
S1c(RM) James Henry Funck S2c Ernest Everette Morse SF3c(T) Warren Dean Wilbur
S2c Frederick A. Furrie S1c William Monroe Moser, Jr GM3c(HD) Thomas A Wilkerson
WT3c Richard B. Gaddis GM2c Edward J. Motyka, Jr StM2c Booker T Williams
FC3c James Edward Gallipeau Y3c(T) James Timothy Mullen S1c(Y) Charles Thomas Williams
WT3c Henry Joseph Garceau CMM(A) Arthur R. Muller RM3c Jesse George Williams
CMM William C. Garrison S2c Earl L. Murks StM2c Lloyd Edward Williams
S2c Edward David Gaskill FC3c Robert Joseph Murphy CMM Roy L. Williams, Jr
F1c Edwin Young Gibbs S2c Joe David Musselwhite CGM Thomas Ross Williams
S2c Wilbur David Gilbreath F2c Paul Albert Nagel Rm3c(T) William H. Williams, Jr
RdM2c Cecil D. Gillenwater S1c Robert Clayton Nanney, Jr MM2c Walter Ray Williams
CPhM(AA) Lem Elbert Gillett S1c(SM) Robert L. Nelson EM3c Andrew John Wilson
S2c Curtis Lee Gilley S1c Robert Richard Nelson SM1c David H. Wilson
S2c Joseph Howard Gilliland S1c Jackie D. Nichols F1c Rudolph Amon Wilson
CTM Ralph H. Glaspey Bkr3c Leroy Albert Niedenfuhr CWT Robert E. Wilson
CFC(PA) Thomas Weldon Glass F1c Raymond Garret Nightengale S2c John Joseph Winckowski
St1Mc Cullis Franklin Glenn SoM2c Joseph Arthur Niswonger F1c Bernard Arthur Winkelman
S2c Joe G. Glosup CCk(PA) Flor Nocon S1c Donald Wilson Wise
S2c Milton Godwin TM2c John William Nordell S2c Richard Joseph Wise
GM3c Richard Jacob Goetz S1c Charles D Northcutt S2c Robert Louis Wissman
S2c Phillip Arthur Golden S1c Thomas Edward Norton S2c Robert Carl Witherspoon
S1c Robert Herman Gomer, Jr S2c Joseph James Novak F1c Jack Wayne Witt
MoMM2c Frank Ellsworth Goodaker S1c(SM) Loyd George Nuby S1c James Albert Wolf
MM3c Bernard Maurice Goodman S1c Francis Peter Obermeier COX William Ernest Wood
FC3c Hugh Elliott Gordon S1c(GM) James R. Ogle S1c Edward Freeman Woodbrey
SK1c(T) Joseph Francis Gorman RT2c(T) James O'Keefe MM1c Orvie Winslow Woody
S1c Jay S. Gottstein Y2c James Wallace O'Neil TM2c Edward Granville Worden
TM2c Marion Olie Green S2c(Bkr) Harold Orr S2c Earl William Workman
S1c Raymond Arthur Greene S2c Claude Morris O'Steen, Jr SM1c Robert Linton Wright, Jr.
SM2c Vyrell Dwight Greene MM3c Lymond Overstreet StM2c Rudolph Warren Wright
RdM3c Warren Irving Greene S1c William Milton Owens S1c(SSML) John Francis Wuebkes
S2c Fred Dowdell Griffin SK1c Joseph Paul Pacheco EM1c Jimmy Paul Wymore
WT2c Chester David Griffith S2c Forrest E. Pagan S2c Donald Joseph Yaklin
COX James W. Grimit F1c Morris Yale Pagan SC2c(T) James Edward Yancey
S2c Harold Maris Grow TM3c Salvatore Pagano F1c James Vincent Yarris
EM1c William M. Grubb S2c Billy Joe Parker S1c David William Yaukey
MM1c Fred Hagan COX Bert Elliot Patton MM1c Jessie Thomas Yongue
S2c Max Virgil Hammacher S2c Albert Henry Payne RdM3c George Edward Young, Jr
S2c Adrian Hamilton S1c George Hoyt Payne F1c William L. Zahm
MM1c Chester Peter Hanc Bkr3c Walter Richard Pedersen F1c Salvatore John Zaita
S2c Keith Reed Hansen S2c Gene Ernest Peigne Bkr3c(T) Samuel Zamboras
F1c Charles P. Hardison EM3c Colon Raymond Pendergast S2c Harry Paul Zander
EM2c Frederick Walter Hardy S1c Ermeno Giovanni Perrotti S2c Salvatore John Zautam
SSM(L)3c Charles Henry Harper CCS(AA)(T) Rudolph Stephen Pesik SC3c Joseph Francis Zelonka
COX Charles Leo Hart S2c Charles Rodney Peters F1c Joseph Zilbauer
WT3c Charles Albert Hasty S2c(Rdm) George Phillips F1c(MM) Leonard S. Zitterman
MM3c(T) Warren R. Hawes S2c Joseph Arthur Phillips MM1c Sumner Zorfas
WT3c H J Hawkins S1c George Francis Picariello GM2c Howard M. Zumberge
CMM Lawrence B. Hawkins, Jr CRM Cecil C. Pierson WT3c Keith Main Zwicker
F1c Robert Clifton Hawks GM3c Joseph Ruark Pike

Plank Owner - aboard at Commissioning
Killed in action while serving aboard Sumner
  Shipmate who has been called to the Final Muster
Served aboard Sumner during Operation Crossroads
Awarded Bronze Star for Valor while serving aboard Sumner
Served aboard Sumner during Kamikaze hit in Lingayen Gulf
Awarded Purple Heart for wounds received while serving aboard Sumner