2098 Reunion

U.S.S. Allen M. Sumner DD-692
The 31st Annual "All Hands" Reunion

May 5 - 8, 2019 - The Grand Plaza Hotel
245 N. Wildwood Drive
Branson, MO 65616


Our 2019 Reunion will take place May 5, 2018 until May 8, 2019 at the Grand Plaza Hotel in Branson, MO. The price runs from $89 to $99 a night from three days before until three days after the reunion. There is no charge for parking and free buffet breakfast is included. Reservations for rooms may be made by calling 1-(800)850-6646 or 1-(417)336-6646, tell them you wish to speak to GROUP SALES, afer making this connection tell them you wish to make reservations as part of the USS Allen M. Sumner group. Rates good until April 9, 2019. There is NO Hotel shuttle and with Branson being hilly you may wish to rent a car or share a ride with others.

The Association Registration is separate and distinct from your Hotel Registration. This fee covers the costs of the special rooms at the hotel, transportation to the memorial service, the banquet, professional entertainment, the memorial wreath, food & beverages in the Hospitality Suite, etc.

Getting There

Branson, Missouri

Close up - From Route 76 turn North onto N. Wildwood Drive, Street # is 245


1949 Transfer to the Atlantic Fleet
1959 Mediterranean/Middle East Cruise
1969 Southern Europe/Mediterranean Cruise




Sunday May 5
FREE HOT BREAKFAST (If registered)
1400 - Official registration begins in the Hospitality Suite Open Bar opens, Silent Auction begins and Ship Store opens

Monday May 6
Out for shopping and sightseeing
1730-1800 - Open Bar opens in Banquet Hall
1800 - Open Bar Closes (purchase only available)
1800 - Annual Banquet with Guest Speaker: Chief Electricians Mate Carl A. Dietrich Awards and live auction, music and dancing (optional) to follow banquet
2300 Hospitality room closes

Tuesday May 7
0900 Bus leaves hotel for memorial service with Speaker Chief Electricians Mate Carl A. Dietrich.
A bus tour will follow with several stops on the College of the Ozarks campus.
Then there will be a stop at the Veterans Memorial Museum followed by everyone assembling for group photo
1500 - Annual Business Meeting (Shipmates Only) Hospitality suite reopens and closes at 2300.

Wednesday May 8
0600 - 1000 Farewell Breakfast in hospitality suite.
Parting Remarks
1000 hospitality room closes

 What to Wear

Everyday: dress comfortable and relaxed.
Banquet: Business casual - honor your shipmates.
Memorial Service: dress patriotic, no high heels.

Sailing List

Pete & Gail Dromms FTG2/MAA 66-67

John & Christy Shea BM3 65-67

Scott & Linda Koppstein SK3 66-69

Pete & Rita Hart BT3 65-67

Frank Embrey RM2 64-68

John & Pat Hruska MR3 68-71

Daniel & Lynette Barrs QM1 63-68

Ted & Kandy Cooper BT2 63-66

Frank & Patches Presfield FTG3 66-69

Bob & Karen Haderer Bt2 63-68

Dave & Sue Robson SH3 66-70

Jim & Karen Fredrickson ETN2 66-67

Bobby & Mary Moore MMC 61-69

James Gorman & Diane Legler MM3 66-68

Dennis & Christine Carroll LTJG 65-66

Paul & Eileen Rosskamp BT3 68-71

Frank & Connie DiBello RM3 66-68

Don and Jane Hayden TM3 66-68

Will and Yvonne Bolton SM3 66-68

Ron and Ricki Jovanovich AN 68-69

Mike and Ethel Backer RD2 66-69


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